poeku T
uesday and
it's really been a while
Since I've made a real attempt at a a poem that has some style
So this Tuesday I will tell you all a story
About a weekend that was oh so glory (
It started on Friday night, as most
weekends do.
And Lianne, Rachel and I just knew
That tonight was gonna be a good night
And we were totes right.
We were all over the place but the best part
We did karaoke with a French guy and tore the room apart
We got cheese fries at 7A
And then had a sleep over
yayyyyyyyyyyyThe next morning called for a lot of, "What the hell did we do last night?"
ess-a bagels were pretty tight (fact: we all have the same order).
People watching, sushi, and large beers were the next day
But the best part was seeing Faye!
Parents, pastrami, and matzoh ball soup...swoon.
that sums up my S
unday afternoon.
Most importantly there was
skee ball, karaoke and a
WVU win!!!
Let's go Mountaineers....I love West Virgin(
(I should note that Rachel and Lianne still had not left each other's side. They went to Jersey for the day).
Monday we had a pool party planned at Matt's awesome pad.
Swimming, beer, and food makes me glad!!
So this weekend was basically the best ever.
I wish it would last forever and ever (i am aware this is not a rhyme).