kings and queens of COURT B

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Turkey lurkey

UGHH I missed poeku Tuesday so let's rewind a bit and pretend it's still Tuesday so I can get my rhyme on.

Thanksgiving is fun and there's lots of food.
But one thing it didn't have was my fellow booze (rs).
I had some stuffing but I had no bud light.
I drank wine and that just ain't right.
I drank out of a real glass not sure about those.
I prefer my cups to be red as a rose. (or clear)
There was wasn't dry.
There was cake and there was pie.
But I still felt a void when the clock struck noon.
This is when I think, "Kickball time soon."
I can't wait to drink up with you all in a day.
And I really really miss you, Faye.

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