kings and queens of COURT B
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
yo, whaddup, it's yo jersey playaz in the housee
below is a joint piece from myself and rachel, my roomie and fellow kickballaz
kickball makes my week go faster, cuz when i'm there i feel like i'm the master
busy planning in my head, how we'll look on thursday's stead
danielle:whats that? stead?
rachel:i'm using my poetic license. didn't you get one in 3rd grade?
ok, so maybe this roomie poem isn't going to work. instead, we'll leave you with this:
@ @@
@@ @@
-from rachel
kickball i
kickball is
kickball is f
kickball is fu
kickball is fuc
kickball is fuck
kickball is fucki
kickball is fucking
kickball is fucking a
kickball is fucking aw
kickball is fucking awe
kickball is fucking awes
kickball is fucking aweso
kickball is fucking awesom
kickball is fucking awesome
kickball is fucking awesom
kickball is fucking aweso
kickball is fucking awes
kickball is fucking awe
kicball is fucking aw
kickball is fucking a
kickball is fucking
kickball is fuckin
kickball is fucki
kickball is fuck
kickball is fuc
kickball is fu
kickball is f
kickball is
kickball i
-from danielle
see you thursday!!
haikuzers for some boozers
better than balls kicking us
balls don't have no legs
i'm eating lunch now (chicken salad sandwich, FYI)
will play kickball on thursday
damn (yo), i'm really pumped!
i love beer in cups
i love to flip cups over
i love to dance, too
aces and eights rocks
sometimes (poppa) nick wears long plaid socks
and lots of sweatbands
boogers are so weird
really, what is the point of them?
they are fun to pick
Yoda plays kickball
against Vader, he does play
galactic showdown
Happy poeku day!
Kickball is unlike any other game.
You gotta look good or suffer shame.
You better impress while you play.
WOLWSB will show you the way.
The first step to lookin good on the court
Is to wear a pair of shorts that are really rather short.
Long pants or shorts just get in your way.
Lots of leg showing is the way to play.
But please girls please, do not appeal.
You can be a lady in the street but a freak on the field.
Another thing that your team can try
Is wearing black lines under your eye
This looks good and can be kind of scary
And will make your opponent feel very unwary.
Glow sticks really sparkle and shine.
And light up the bar while you’re flippin in line!
And last but not least and the best advice to speak.
Is to wear a cape, a different color each week.
They look so lovely and make you feel like you’re flying.
You can run and catch balls without really trying.
A cape is how you razzle dazzle and impress.
It is the most important item to put on when you dress.
You must treat the kickball court like it's a runway.
And strut your stuff while you play!
As you put all your kickball fashions to the test.
Remember this one last request.
It’s not just vital to look fly when you run the bases.
You gotta be able to have fun at aces!
Friday, August 27, 2010
I'm so proud of our team for pulling this one out (that's what she said), and a special shout-out from me to Kristy for giving me the strength and inspiration to be acting captain. We missed you all, and I know we will get one more W in the W column (that's not how that phrase goes, is it) next week!
Now for the MVPs...
The first MVP award goes to Faye! She played as well as I've ever seen, with some great outs at second base, and she even pegged a runner! Which I'm sure is really hard to do because I've never even done it. Faye also deserves the award for handling with grace and dignity the worst tragedy in our digital age... the loss of her phone in the bar. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Faye.
The runner-up MVP award goes to Rachel! Rachel proved herself to be pitcher extroardinaire, handling the in-field very well and covering home base like a pro! Good job Rachel!
So even though a lot of people couldn't make it last night, that doesn't mean those who weren't there can't share in our win. WOLWSB is the most fun group of people I've ever been around, and our passion on the court comes from our love of the team! So in my book, we were all winners last night! Watch and be inspired!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
check it out here!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
I've got the blooze
Blue skies or cloudy, we still get rowdy!
Full team or forfeit, we still look more fit!
Sick or healthy, we drink like we're wealthy!
Awake or tired, we're a team to be admired!
Now for this week's inspirational video
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
WOW - tuesday has been a very poetic day for the members of WOLWSB. As creator of this blog, i officially deem tuesdays.....drumroollllll......SUBMIT A POEKU DAY!
here is a haiku dedicated to my favorite ref, DAVID!
he has curly hair
calls he makes are always fair
david, you're the best
haikuzers for some boozers
we drink beer even better
capes rule, bar champs, yeahhhhhhh!
lost you in the bar
can’t see shit, it is too dark
glow sticks rule the school
capes make you sweat tons (totally worth it)
i like to hydrate before
eat tacos later
evan makes me laugh
i wish he could break dance though
only in my dreams
flip cup is my jam
WE run this league, you don’t, bitch! (we ain't hatin', just playin'! love you guys!)
win or lose, we rule!
An ode to flip cup!
And every week we practice at Aces and Eights.
The first step to flipping is yelling, “Match up”
And raising your hands to cheers cup to cup.
Then comes the feeling of tension at the table
As each player flips their cup as fast as they are able.
Beers are downed and sometimes spilled.
Some get schooled by those more skilled.
The game could be determined by the flick of wrist.
The game could be lost by one flip missed.
One team will see victory as they jump and cheer
Because it was them who downed their beer.
One team will reign supreme above the rest.
One team will fight harder. One team will win the test.
One team will win, another will fall.
There is only one team to rule them all.
You can put it any way you choose.
This one team is Win or Lose, We Still Booze!
see ya next Thursday homies! have fun and let's get that W!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Time for a little reflection
My answer was:
There are a few moments in my NYCSSC career that I look upon more fondly then others….they are not as pure as meeting new friends so I appologize in advance.
-Once I caught a kickball between my legs. I swear. I have been trying to do this again but I fear it may be a once in a lifetime occurance (no jokes please).
- in a moment of panic a teamate of mine pegged some guy square in the balls to get him out. I assure you it was an accident but the guy got out and limped a little on his way.
-watching Tom from WRTL rip his shirt off in sheer passion while grinding on some girl with such intensity in his eyes…it was like the dance floor at Aces and Eights was theirs and it was amazing.
Danny's answer was:
There was this one time where Kristy (above) from WOLWSB just ripped off her shirt in sheer passion. yup.
What Danny did not realize was the memory was supposed to be NYCSSC related, not personal!
Minds out of the gutter, sickos. I was JUST KIDDING. Also, thank you, Danny. I appreciate the recognition.
Anyway Boozy Boozers, what is your favorite NYCSSC memory?
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
tweet tweet y'all
Update: WOLWSB vs. Balls in Your Face
Hey Boozers! I am just going to start referring to Friday as National Hangover Day because that's basically what it has become (for me anyways). So Happy National Hangover Day!
Yesterday's game was probably my favorite kickball game ever. I don't know why but it was so much fun! It could have been that we played really well and would have totally kicked some ass had we had enough people. It could have been that my cape makes me feel like I'm gracefully flying through the sky (I kind of want to yell, WEEEEE when I run in it). It may be that Nick brought us delicious tropical punch (mad props for that). While I believe it was the latter of those that made me feel all warm and fluffy inside during KB yesterday I do want to let you guys know that everyone played really well and I am so very very proud. Now for the coveted awards...
The lady and overall MVP of the game is....Molly! Clap clap clap! Molly really brought her A game and for that she got to use the brand new WOLWSB beer koozy! Who will be the lucky winner next week?
The gentleman MVP of the game goes to...Nick for obvious reasons. Not only is he a baller on the field, but he kept us hydrated! Capri Sun is so nutritious and delicious and expertly sealed and packaged!
The style award goes to...Danielle. Each week Little D (was that what you told the guy you're name was last night?) finds a new and inventive way to wear and style her cape. Last night was no exception!
The best ref award goes to (and will always go to)...David.
I really liked our glow sticks. They were a big bright hit! I had an extra and some guy from the doodie brown team gave me 5 big ones for it. Cha ching cha ching.
I learned a few things between yesterday and now:
1. I love watching you all try (and succeed) at hookin up
2. Vuvuzellas are fantastic for beer bonging...once it hits your lips it goes down soooo smooth
3. I am a little proud that when I had to fill out a form at my eye doctor today and under hobbies I wrote, "Kickball Win or Lose We Still Booze, baby".
we were gchatting (kristy says i'm a funny gchatter) about our blog:
Divya: hahahaha
i love that the league knows about it!
how could they not
we better be in the action weekly newsletter
or heads will roll
in the meantime, this picture would be much funnier if we were still on the crazy chickens...

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Jimmy Choos
Blogs, games, and capes!
Add that to your favorites. Tell all your friends. Call it a day.
Soooo...tomorrow is Thursday....KICKBALL Thursday! Tomorrow's game is pretty early...very early...too early. 6:00 on court B!!!! This is the same spot as last week (Rivington btw Suffolk and Norfolk). Right across form Schiller's for those of you who speak bar. I understand if you have to come late or can't make it. I do hope to see you at the bar though! Let me know if you are missing the game or plan on being late!
Ok if you guys didn't get a chance to look at our million e-mail long chain about this week's theme, it is black eye things that will make us look scary and make the team we're playing (Balls in Your Face) cry out of fear and think twice about putting their balls anywhere near our faces....sickos. Thanks to Nick you girls don't have to worry about wasting you eye liner, boys you can stop worrying about having to go to Duane Read to buy eye liner and Evan doesn't have to worry about having to wash sharpie off from under his eyes. Just from above his upper lip, and his stomach, and his leg, and his arm. Anyways, Nick has purchased these eye accessories for us all so again, let's clap and sing and hug him!
Also, according to the greatest blog in history....the poll tells me that this week's cape color is.......GREEN!!!!! If you don't have a green shirt let us know!
And I can not leave you guys hanging. This weeks inspiration comes in the form of the greatest movie trailer in history. It's about overcoming obstacles and giving into love.....so get inspired!
tweet tweet y'all
they said (http://bit.ly/95WE6C):

i responded with:

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Kickball is a sport of many things

Kickball is a sport of fun.
Kickball is a sport of strategy.
Kickball is a sport of endurance.
Kickball is a sport of heart.
Above all else, kickball is a sport of style and this particular individual knows that all too well.
I would like to challenge this gentleman to a friendly game of flipcup. I wonder if he's found our blog yet.
a poem
Thursday afternoons are a time of worry.
Then the clock strikes 6:15 (or 7, or 7:45) and we run bases in a hurry.
But the kickball score is not our concern
It’s how many pitchers through which we can burn.
Aces and Eights gets our pay checks each week.
And we grind on their dance floor ass cheek to cheek.
$10 a pitcher is a small price to pay.
Because each week we get to Party in the U.S.A.
We drink and chug and love our brews.
Because Win or Lose, We Still Booze!
Not flip cup, but flash cup!

i live in the world of comics and action figures - so i hope you all appreciate this as much as i do! here's to the fastest flippers at NYCSSC!

Monday, August 16, 2010
ch-ch-ch-check it out...we're famousish
Thanks for the shout out!
Lets hope the next shout out is about our awesome team captain catching the ball between her legs!! Seriously, this has happened before and it ALMOST happened last week!
Taking it to the next level
Stay tuned for pictures from our most recent