You have been selcted by a jury of your peers to be the MVP of WOLWSB!!!> <---like my lawyer talk?
The parties hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waive, to thefullest extent permitted by applicable law, any right that they mayhave to trial by jury of any claim or cause of action, or in any legalproceeding, directly or indirectly based upon or arising out of thisagreement.
I feel it's my moral obligation to let you know I was talking to Danielle> earlier and she told me you didn't deserve to be MVP! What do you have to> say about that?
Well I think you do deserve it! How does it feel to be the MVP of a kickball team that has yet to win a game?
The only thing better than winning the Special Olympics is ice cream.
I should tell you that I was talking to Rick earlier and he told me that> your shorts sucked because they didn't have sharks on them. Harsh I know. If you could have any animal on your shorts, what animal would it be?
Rachel just told me that you put on a whole bottle of axe body spray before> every game. Do you object?
Common misconception. What Rachel's really smelling/tasting is 100%pure JBC musk. Sixty percent of the time, it works every time.
The Yankees are to winning as the Mets are to_____?
Jason's a Mets fan and has always looked to model his legal careerafter Gloria Allred, so she's most qualified to fill in this blank.Cue this video to 1:53 for my visual response:
Faye just told me that you get your hair professionaly done before every game. Guilty or innocent?
hahahahahahah. Innocent but barely. I get my hair cut every twoweeks from an Italian barber I've been going to since before most ofyou were born. Inexplicably, he calls me, and I answer to, "Sean."
So exactly how many hours a day do you practice blue steel?
How am I supposed to practice blue steel if I can't turn left? Butseriously, six or seven's pretty normal for an average weekday.
I know you drink beer out of a pitcher. Is that what you drink orange mocha frapachinos out of too?
About a year ago, Stephane and I were drinking superpitchers at the(tragically) now-closed Cosmic Cantina at one of their outdoor tables. Some dude spotted me from across the street, started screaming "BenStiller!" and asked me for my autograph. After failed attempts toconvince him otherwise, I signed a napkin and made it out to hisnephew with love. I don't see the resemblance in the least.
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