kings and queens of COURT B
Friday, April 29, 2011
Darnell...referee Darnell
Darnell: I'm going to write about these cupcakes
Evan: Darnell has a diary.
Watching two gentleman try to take claim on a lady they both had claimed as their own before....on separate occasions of course.
Nick and Molly..weird they both show up on the smae night. Watch out, Jason.
Watching Evan try to handle a wet kickball.
Once again I have too many memories. I love my kickball team!
favorite memory friziday
Evan: Screw the royal family... I took the subway to my wedding!
Danielle (in all seriousness): I haven't had a wedding yet.... sigh
hazy memories
- "that's PERMANENT marker!"
- [sung] "DarNELLLL, referee DARnell..."
- the fact that everyone claimed to not know me, assuming I was in trouble when the refs were looking for me (i lost my wallet)
- our amazing kickball skills (fail?)
- the return of the mustache
- MOLLY! ("she likes me for me" [also sung]
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Last night at the gym...
Boy: Ummm...you play kickball.
Me: Yea!
Dude: Yea I thought that was you.
Me: Ok.
Awkward silence.
Guy walks away.
It feels so wrong
I miss the kickball field
Tonight you'll see
Boozers on Court B
Without David.... Yield!
I cannot wait
To stay out late
Flipping cups in joy
We're gonna party
Har har har hardy
Come join if you're a girl or a boy!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lianne you are by far one of the cutest members of WOLWSB! What is your secret?
Why thank you, Cap'n! I can't take much credit for being the c-word, as I have my parents to thank for my limited height and perpetually 12-year-old face. But it always helps to say "I'm the baby, gotta love me."
I'm going to name some objects and I want to know if you think they're cute and why or why not:
Pandas: Of course they're cute. Have you ever seen a baby panda sneeze?
Dogs dressed up for Halloween: Always. Especially if they're dressed up as Harry Potter characters (ie: http://www.bestweekever.tv/2010-12-02/the-20-most-magical-harry-potter-dogs/)
Nick: Anything/one that is 8 feet tall and provides a steady flow of tequila is cute in my book.
Babies: Only when they're not crying.
Cheerleaders: Only if they're dogs dressed up as cheerleaders.
Who are some of your childhood crushes?
Anyone/everyone that Harrison Ford ever played. The youngest Hanson brother (don't judge). The young forest-dwelling boy from Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. The little boy in Jurassic Park. The little boy in Jumanji. Basically, any little boy in any movie I watched nonstop (this list could go on forever).
Lianne you love to read. Finish these sentences:
Once upon a time a little lion cub was out with his father when a crazy stampede started to happen. They were both almost to safety when the evil uncle showed up and....ruined everything and made me cry!
Once upon a time there was a mermaid with a very strict father who was king of the sea. This mermaid wanted a life of freedom and independance so she.......could brush her hair with a fork.
Once upon a time there was a dear who went to the meadow with his mother. There was a hunter who......almost shot the mama deer but then saw how cute the baby was and stayed and cuddled with it for forever (ie. how I wish it ended).
Once upon a time there was a girl who caught a kickball nd became MVP. She was so......happy that she improved infinitely overnight and scored 5 home runs in the next game (fingers crossed).
What is the best book you've read recently?
The World According to Garp is the best life-affirming book I've read recently. And Tina Fey's Bossypants is the best make-me-look-crazy-on-the-subway book I read recently (because I couldn't stop laughing, obv).
What is the worst book you've read recently?
I didn't read it recently, but I hate The Alchemist. People love it, I do not.
A lover and a kicker

You are a man about town. Where is your favorite hang out these days?
Thursdays, all my lovely ladies can find me at the Village Pourhouse, where my legend is growing and I rock the house til' closing. Otherwise, you can find me at the MB, sippin on multi-colored margs with my homeboy JC.
You are an animal lover who once had a pet tortoise. Did you ever get a speeding ticket while riding your tortoise?
Slow and steady wins the race. The only place to be is wherever it is I am, so there's never any rush for me to get anywhere.
You are a lover of sports. What has been your favorite sport to play since you stepped onto the social sports scene?
Waitress/Bartender Flirting...I've been slacking so far this season, and need to step my game up.
You are a lover of fine dining. What is your favorite type of cake?
Chocolate Mousse....unless it's my birthday, then I gotta go with a little Fudgie the Whale action.
You are a lover of the finer things in life. If you could create the perfect cocktail what would you put it it?
Tequila, triple sec, lime juice....oh wait...that's just a Margarita...why mess with perfection?
You are a lover of fashion. What is you number one must have kickball accessory?
It's all about the socks...gotta be higher and brighter at all times.
You are a lover of love. Recently a member of WOLWSB told me he/she was going to makeout with you. Who could it be?
That girl in the purple shirt. She's hot!
You are a lover of the arts (and crafts). What is your favorite crayola crayon color?
You are a lover of Nick. Do you miss him? Why or why not?
He misses/needs me. Without me the poppa would just be a poopa.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
A negative score is the way to go
If so I'll have you know
WOLWB is ahead of the show
-50 is our sco (re)
So watch out because we're coming for yo(u)
Hope you get with the down low.
Let it snow let it snow let it snow.
Friday, April 22, 2011
for the record
it's my faaaaaaavorite memories
- a drunk me petting some poor blondie girl's hair ALL NIGHT, barely ever saying a single word to her
- Jason trying to start a fist fight in the outfield
- Rick "el luchadore"
- the discovery of a mystical salad, hidden under a flip cup table
You never know what you'll find under the table
-Cherish cheering for the Miny soda Twins
-Evan's backside
-When Evan found a salad under the flip cup table
-Rick's mask...so hardcore
-When Rachel EL. thought Rebecca Black was a member of out kickball team...I friggin wish
-Cherish's balancing skills
-The return of the capes
-Lianne receiving messages that were meant for Molly (sorry Lianne!)
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Jason is redic
Hey, I'm cleaning out some of my old stuff and wanted to know if any of you were interested in either a trapper keeper (poor condition) or a nintendo calendar from 1991. Please see attached for some pics.

and that takes care of picture Wednesday.
A day late...a buck short
My arms are sore
I'll tell you why
Diva had some arm exercises
and I needed to try
So when I drop a ball
at our next game
It's Diva who will
bow her head in shame
Went shopping with Jason
and it was fun
except I wanted to
yell at everyone
Too many tourists
who just don't know
how to walk normally
They are so slow
Sometimes I wish
I could play kickball every day
So I signed us up for
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday! <----lie. Just Thursday.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Lunch, bugs, and turtles

Where were you at 7:45 on the night of April, 14 2011?
I don't remember, but I'm going to guess that I was either playing kickball or talking to Molly. Those two things take up 90% of my time.
What exactly were you doing?
I'm going to have to plead the fifth on this one. You caught a lot of balls at last week's game helping you gain this MVP status.
Do you think what you ate for lunch helped?
Absolutely. A good diet can really give you the explosive bursts of energy that it takes to win, while a bad one can have you feeling gassed after a long day of work.
What did you eat for lunch on the day of April, 14 2011?
A salad, with carrots, cucumbers, cut shredded cheese, cut diced tomatoes, hard boiled eggs, and vinaigrette dressing.
Do you understand where I'm going with this?
Nope, no clue. Is there some sort of secret that I don't know? When are you going to drop the bomb?
Where are you right now?
In bed, watching the Rangers-Capitals game (Let's Go Rangers!).
You are captain Kristy's neighbor. How do you feel about that?
Amazing. She's a multifaceted individual, and you don't really know her until you've grabbed an evening drink at a bar with her, bumped into her at the gym, or see her play Super Mario Bros. 3.
You wore a ton of NYCSSC shits last week..all at one time. Which one is your favorite and why?
I've got two that are tied for my favorite. Black, because that was my first real NYCSSC team, Back in Black: Sex Panthers by Odeon. I was the captain and even though we didn't make the playoffs, we somehow came in second place. I also love light green because it was from my first kickball team, lushes, which was a poorly-named precursor to WOLWSB.
Do you like turtles?
Only if they're teenage and mutant. Donatello was my favorite, and he also happened to wear purple. Coincidence? Maybe.
Do you like Court B?
I'll answer your question with another question. How could I not?
Do you like bugs?
Depends on the bug, but generally no. Here are some bugs that I do like: lady bug, firefly, the tick (animated, live action, and comic book), the praying mantis from Kung Fu Panda, and Jiminy Cricket.
Which seat should I take?
That's a personal decision. I'm sure you'll have fun fun fun fun either way.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Today is Friday
- Lady FaFa trying to teach everyone a new dance
- Instructing Divya how to douglas
- and this conversation
boy: what team are you?
boy: the blog people?
moi: yea, buddddddddddddddddy!
Fav Memory Friday
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Picture Wednesday
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Can I get a little salt around that rim rim rim?
Margarita at lunch. yes.
When is it Thursday?
Love the purple shirt.
Looks like a grape. Yum yum yum.
Feel good in purple.
Monday, April 11, 2011
peanut butta time
Do not trust a person who does not drink

Awesome Awesome Awesome If you could describe Rachel Cooper in 3 words, what would they be?
If you could describe your hair in 3 words,what would they be?
Big, Afro (at times) Nest
What are your 3 favorite words? So you've gained MVP status for the second time. Whoo hoo! What does this mean to you? You tagged a guy with a ball last night...in the balls. What was going through your head during this moment?
Kickball, win, booze
Just to beat the crap out of the Maroon team!!!! Hitting the guy in the balls was added bonus..... Are you planning on having a dramatic moment like that at every game? You are one of WOLWSB's most stylish players. Who else do you think sets the bar for kickball style and why?
EVAN of course!!! If only I could wear the short shorts....... Back to your hair....don't you use the same products as someone else? Someone famous on the NYCSSC kickball scene?
Yes! David the ref. On St. Pattys day, David and I had conversation about hair maintenance/products. It turns out the David and I use the same products!! Could u believe.... For the remainder of the night David gave me tips on how to manage my locks. Strangest/funniest conversation I ever had with a man!!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Rachel is an MVP
Welcome to WOLWSB! How has your experience been so far?
How did you feel when you put on your purple shirt last night?
Proud to be wearin purple!! You basically slid into homeplate last night...on a blacktop court. did you ever think you would have to scarifuce your body so much for the sport of kickball?
What was your most memorable part of the evening?
How do you feel about Rebecca Black?
One NON-hit wonder.
What comes after Friday? What did you have for lunch today? What is your favorite food?
Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies! What is your least favorite food?
Onions!! I hate the after taste...gross.
I remember when...
And having my name on the bar television every 30 seconds. I love TLC and now I'm famous! RIP Left Eye.
fave mem fri
my personal favorite was when lady fafa tagged a guy out near his ball region. FA FA FFAFAFAAA FA FA FAFAFAAA
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
heliwhat? heliwho?
Monday, April 4, 2011
Heli what?
I haven't kept it a secret that I think the name heliconia is rediculous so MAtt asked me to post my arugument on here as to why I want it changed...read on...
Purple! Daisy! Sapphire! Lime! Heliconia? What exactly is heliconia? This question has plagued many social athletes who have been assigned the shirt color since its debut about a year ago. I have a proposition for you NYCSSC. Change the name of the heliconia shirts! Heliconia. The word alone is just confusing. I asked a few friends from the league, “What do you think of the name heliconia?” A few answers I received are:
-“What does it mean?”
-“What is heliconia?”
- “Calling it heliconia speaks to a lack of confidence.”
-“It's a play on the Outkast album Stankonia”
- “You don’t have a bootleg copy of Photoshop do you? I need to Photoshop my face onto Jake Gyllenhaal.” (This one was obviously my favorite)
As you can see, the general consensus is that heliconia needs to be ousted.
The name heliconia is not only confusing, it’s misleading. Wikipedia identifies heliconia as a flower that is a deep red color. We all know Wikipedia is a completely dependable and accurate information super site but I decided to take my research a little farther. I typed ‘heliconia’ into Google and pictures of dark red flowers came up (see exhibit A). Some were even orange or yellow. Not one flower shown was even close to the shade of pink that the NYCSSC heliconia shirts are.
I understand the league does not want to name the pink shirts anything too bizarre or over the top that it will scare members lucky enough to be assigned the color away. I have a few suggestions for names that can take the place of heliconia that are less confusing and aren’t too outlandish. There are the obvious choices like magenta or fuchsia. There are fun options too like strawberry, flamingo, sexy pink, or rosey pink!
I feel that the name heliconia does not do the shirt justice. There have been some pretty noteworthy athletes, trivia buffs, and presidents (exhibit C) that have donned this stunning color. Let’s give it the identification is so truly deserves.
Exhibit A: A picture of a heliconia flower http://fireflyforest.net/images/firefly/2006/June/Heliconia-rostrata.jpg
Exhibit B: A you tube video showing heliconia flowers in action…deep red heliconia flowers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72fvstbrciM
Exhibit C: Obama in heliconia.
1 year...feels like 1 day