So, today’s the big day huh?
it's the biggest day!
What are you going to do on your 42nd birthday?
i thought i would take the kids to soccer practice and make a pot roast for dinner
MVP – stands for Most Valuable Player, but also…?
Mike/Vinny/Paulie! (Jersey Shore what whaaaaaat)
If the MVP cape was a blanket, who would you want to share it with?
Matthew Fox. And my team of course!
The “funny shit Divya says” tag is a fan favorite of WOLWSB blog readers, how does this make you feel?
Like all of my years of practicing jokes in front of the mirror are finally paying off.
What’s your favorite post Aces food?
Gotta go with Taco Loco, but Two Boots is a close second
(i think she's referring to San Loco, but whateva chedda!)
Remember Velcro shoes?
My last pair of Velcro shoes had a picture of Simba and Mufasa on them
What about LA Gear (the ones that lit up)?
Too flashy for my 8-year-old tastes.
If you could fight anybody on our team, who would it be, and why?
Nope, not walking into that minefield. But I can take anyone.
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