kings and queens of COURT B
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
poeku tuesday
but the blog can still go on
i eat lunch daily
hope you had good food
t-giving is my fave yo
food coma fo' life
i had killa eats
so much food, so little time
need to get leftover(s)
no more kickball, damn
not until 2011
yikes! so far away!
join the wednesday league
we'll def see you at the bar
we will rage so good
Friday, November 26, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Renaissance poem
Who loved a sport that didn't involve swords.
They loved to kick balls with their feet so high and mighty.
They kicked to their heart's desire, weather they kicked lefty or they kicked righty.
This valient group was known to lands near and far.
For they were awesome on the court but more awesome at the bar.
Word of this lot traveled from one village to the next.
So praise for this group all did bequest.
Every king, every queen, every peasant, every serf.
Knew it was glory this group did deserve.
This team of kickery is worthy of a token and we shall
Give them the gift of free chalices and free ale.
This team was brave and fought to win, fought to lose.
This team because known as Win or Lose We Still Booze.
Held in high regard they were true and fair.
And royal flowing capes they did wear.
Their locks were golden (some of them) and their heads they held high.
And time after time they held shots of tequilla to the sky.
They would cheers to chilvary and they would cheers to the merry.
They drank till their bellies were full of ale and sherry.
Friday, November 19, 2010

I had some magical moments last night..unfortunately none of them on Court B.
My favorite memory from Court A: It started to rain. It was cold. It was night. It was dark. We were ahead. We were behind. We were still behind. We did not let this get us down. We still cheered...a lot. We lose by 1....and then you all suprise me with the greatest picture book known to man. Thank you thank you thank. It means a lot and I LOVE it.
My favorite moment on the bus: singing karaoke to Hall and Oates - Rich Girl.
My favorite moments from the downstairs bar: Seeing Mandy, winning bar champs and hearing our song play!, when Zack gave a rose, plus a dozen others
My favorite moment from upstairs: when Rick came back to the bar!!!!
My favorite memory from this morning: seeing that bar champ glass shimmering like diamonds next to the sink.
my favorite memory from last night
girl: are you on a team with Nick Demangiold
EP: yeah
girl: grrrr, hrumph, well...just tell him...kelly (i forget the name) says hi...just tell him that...hrumph, growl
What is your favorite memory of last night?
My favorite moment was when they annouced us as Bar Champs - SECOND SEASON IN A ROW!! Last season, I knew it was coming, but this time it came as a complete surprise to me. And I loved hearing Evan's song play at the bar!
Other faves:
- Tequila shots
- the free pizza lianne and I got when the bar closed and the people before us in line bought the rest of the pizza at the pizza place (seriously, what pizza place runs out of pizza at 4am??). They gave us a slice of their pie to share.
-running to first base and not having to run back to the sideline (only happened once)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Make Love on Court B
at this time, i would also like to point out the fact that we ABSOLUTELY DOMINATE ACTION WEEKLY! we are all over that blog. really, we must have like 75% of the posts.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
MVP "Monday"

Let me begin by saying Happy Birthday.
Thanks! I appreciate all the love from you guys...best birthday since I moved up here 3 years ago.
This is your first season playing with WOLWSB. We are weirdos if I do say so myself. How have you liked being on the team?
Loved it. I don't think I could've had an undefeated rookie season with a storybook ending with any other team.
What gets on your nerves more, pigeons or Hangover Friday?
PIGEONS - http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Do you prefer boxing or kickball? Why?
Kickball...my boxing gym doesn't serve alcohol.
Do you prefer boxes or bags? Why?
Boxes. Excess grocery bags laying around is the most annoying thing ever.
Paper or plastic? Why?
Paper, for the same reason as above.
If you could have anything for your birthday, what would it be?
The ability to do Larry's legendary running man. When "Poison" starts playing, you'll see why.
If someone offered to take you to the fanciest steakhouse NYC has to offer (Outback Steakhouse...obviously) for a birthday treat or to have Aces and Eights open up again…what would you pick?
Gotta go with my red meat. As long as WOLWSB is in the house, I don't need Aces and Eights.
I did a little facebook stalking (creeeepy) to see how old you are today, and low and behold it does not say so I am going to make the executive decision that you’re 26. I’ll just go ahead and play off that.
Haha, that's a good guess ;-)
Ok so what do 20 flip cup games + 6 beer pong games =
Enough to still make it to work on Friday
What do 20 pitchers + 7 weeks of hangovers – 1 undefeated season =
My season if I didn't join WOLWSB. 6-0 baby
What do 10 beer bongs + 20 flip cup games – 4 pieces of pizza =
Longer lasting beer goggles
What do 10 home runs + 10 beer pong games + 6 pieces of pizza – 2 down the toilet =
Me passed out on my bathroom floor (true story)
What do 13 fruit punch 4 lokos + 10 watermelon 4 lokos + 3 lemonade 4 lokos – all of your sanity =
poo poo poeku of magic
MVP "Monday"

haikuzers for some boozers
I’m only getting voicemail
This is so painful
Two more days til Thurs.
I must hold out until then
Two fucking long days
Had chick sal again
Some white cheddar popcorn, yum
Ginger ale to drink
We’s champs – ho ho ho!
Tis the season for our win,
League or bar champs, yeah!
Poeku, sha-shmo-ku
Tuesday, sha-la-la-shmooze-day
Poeku Tuesday, word!
Missed it last week, whoops!
Never again, neva eva!
I need it like crack.
MVP "Monday"

Well, my most common field position is pitcher. It's where I feel I can contribute the most, and I've learned that if I beg enough times, that's where I'll get placed. People expect me to pitch really fast based on my looks, so when it's a slow ball, they're always thrown off. Probably why WOLWSTB is in the playoffs this season.
I've also tried my hand in reffing this season... needless to say, I'll leave that position to the pros.
I you could kick balls in any shirt color, what color would you pick?
Is this even a question? Heliconia...
Speaking of clothing you have quite an eye for fashion. If you could raid anyone on our team’s closet, who’s would it be and why?
Evan's. If you've seen Evan's wardrobe, this does not require an explanation.
You were the Morton Salt girl for Halloween (it was so cute). Salt really does add a little extra...I don’t know what to food. What is your favorite spice?
I've actually recently joined the mayor's campaign against salt - it should only be used on the roads, or tequila shots with Papa Nick.
My favorite spice is cinnamon. I'm sensitive.
What about your favorite condiment?
SALSAAAA! I finish a jar in one sitting.
You are quite the poet. You especially have a knack for alliteration and playing on words. In the next segment of this interview I will give you an acronym that you must complete (ex: LGW would be Lianne goes where?) Got it? Good!
SHPD: Should have played drunk
NRFW: Never Run for Wackballs
KPBM: Kentucky: Panic BEFORE Manic ... OR... Kickball Players Bust Moves
DCGT: Drink, Cups get thrown
In the next segment of this interview I will begin a sentence, and you must finish it.
I was riding a unicorn and then… it tripped on a cloud and injured me with its horn. That's how I got a belly button.
I prefer flip cup when… the cups aren't glued to the table.
Sometimes, when I put my kickball shirt on I think… Jason's right. I DO look good in Texas Orange!
I really don’t like post its. They… cause people to kick me.
When I’m on Court B with my team I feel… that the stars have aligned.
Living with Danielle is… a lot like living with a lizard.
I am going to learn to speak Spanish because… I want to have secret conversations with Rick. And I once got stuck at a McDonalds in Barcelona for 4 hours. True story.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
We have a theme song!!!!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Almost time to bust out of work
My least favorite memory from the night was when David told me he hasn't read our blog in a long time...look I know you're busy winning dodge ball medals and what not, but come on!
fgavorite mgemory ogf lgast ngight frgiday
But, I think my favorite memory is winning, and my faves almost never include the time on the kickball field. Awesome home run Papa Nick (I thought it was a grand slam...). We really proved ourselves last night!
Also, comparing pizza reactions... when that other team at the flip cup table next to us had pizza, I REALLY wanted some. But they said no. And it took them an hour to eat it! AND THEN ZACK BROUGHT SOME FOR US! And it was gone in 20 seconds.
That's all.
Oh, and the four loko?? Pretty sure I'm still feeling the effects of that...
Hm, and did you know there's a limit to how many tags you can put on a post? I just learned that the hard way.
Is this even a blog post?
yup, woke up this morning in my WOLWSB tshirt - lost a sleeve, gained a toothpaste stain and my ears are ringing.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
cold (kick) balls
kick huge balls!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
MVP Mondays (on a Wednesday) - Zack Shopsin

what time is it?
2:09 pm
when is snack time?
When we are the bar all you can drink snacks
when is pizza time?
2-3 hours after we have started drinking
here's an idea i want to ponder with you -- cutting a pie of pizza into 24 slices, eating one slice every hour, on the hour, and calling it "the all-day pizza". it would be for all-stars only, like yourself. thoughts?
I think that a pie stands no chance in a 24 hours with this body
if WOLWSB were turned into a meal - what would it be like? please describe.
I think we would be stake and potatoes a real American classic just like wolwsb
you bought us some pizza last week at the bar - that was pretty fucking clutch if i do have to say so myself. why don't they call you zack "clutch" shopsin? do you have any other nicknames we should know about?
In the bar I'm more then happy to be called Zack the clutch Shopsin
But when I'm on the mound I'm Zrod don't mess with me or I will beat up your dad
if you weren't a chef, what would you be?
if I wasn't a chef I think I would be a farmer plowing the fields living of the land
have you ever considered joining the professional kickball association?
Yea I once tried to join PKA but they do heavy drug testing and I do heavy drugs so it didn't work out
MVP - the way to be. would you like to give a shout out, or dedicate your MVPdom to anybody? parents? pizza dude? kristy? me?
I wanna thank all of my teammates for welcoming me in to Wolwsb I think we can go all the way
sent from my iBorg
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
almost missed poeku tuesday..dislike.
There things I like and there are things I love.
This week I will list all of the above.
I like red wine but I love white.
I like left but I love right.
I like haikus but I love poems.
I LOVE unicorns and don't like gnomes.
I like summer but I love the spring.
I've never seen Star Wars or Lord of the Ring(s).
Weekend at Bernie's..Love that I do.
And I love love love Home Alone 2.
I like texas orange but I love princess pink
I refuse to call it heleconia because that name does stink!
I like Texas but I love N Jay.
I like...no wait..I love Faye!
I like gloves but I love mittens.
I loooove puppies...not really kittens.
In fact I want a dog oh so bad.
Ok now it's time for bed.
This poem is awful.
Four Loko Dreams
$12 for 6-pack, $3 for a Loko,
Why would anyone buy beer,
When the cost of Loko is so poco,
Danny's place is awesome,
On the roof we drank,
All your roomies and friends,
I'd really like to thank.
I got a little woozy,
From drinking the orange blend,
Thank god you had some chili,
It really deserves a TEN.
Jason ran a marathon,
Damn, that's impressive!
Went from ice bath to party,
Cause he was feeling festive.
Wrapped around his neck,
Was a shiny golden medal,
We all swooned over it,
As if it were precious metal.
We tried to play some games,
But everyone was too tired,
They all passed out,
Watching Boardwalk Empire.
now listen here
what i'm trying to say is: what's cooler than running a marathon? ....hmmm....running a marathon while JUGGLING!
Juggling Marathon Runner Leads to Discovery of 'Joggling'
Over 45,000 people huffed and puffed through the ING New York City Marathon on Sunday. The event included incredible running feats by a double-lung-transplant patient, a rescued Chilean miner and Superman.
But none of these heroes compares to one racer, one who courageously bolted through NYC's five boroughs while ... juggling. That's right: one man, three balls, 26.2 miles.
We don't know who the marathon juggler is (photo, left), but a quick search revealed something we never knew existed: the phenomenon known as "joggling."

A combination of clownery and cardio, joggling is a sport Bozo could get behind if he traded in his big, clumsy shoes for a pair of adidas.
But it's not just the red-nosed set who is involved. According to Perry Romanowski, a 44-year-old Chicago-based joggler who created the blog Just Your Average Joggler, there are at least 1,000 beanbag-tossing runners worldwide.
Keep reading to learn more about this wacky sport and watch a video of Romanowski in action.
Juggling and running happen to be a perfect combination, since the arm motion of juggling syncs up naturally with a jogger's gait. If you're already proficient in the court jester's pastime, joggling should come pretty easy -- just haul ass as you lob your orbs.
"Each time one foot hits the ground, the bean bag on opposite side should hit your hand," instructs Romanowski (photo, left). "And look through the balls, not at them. Also, the faster you run, the faster you have to juggle."
Romanowski's love of joggling was born when he ran his very first marathon in Chicago and thought it would funny to juggle during the last half-mile before he crossed the finish line.
"It was so crowded in the beginning that I wasn't able to run very fast, so I just started juggling right away." Romanowski tells Asylum. "One of the other runners asked if I was going to do it the whole way, and I wryly said I would. Without practicing, I juggled 19 of 26 miles. That inspired me to try and juggle an entire marathon, and after that, I continued to joggle and still do it today."
So far, Romanowski has joggled in close to 100 races, including 30 marathons and two ultra-marathons. He also holds the Guinness World Record for the fastest 50-mile run while juggling. (He and his beanbags clocked in at 8:23:52.)

For jogglers who prefer to race only against their own kind, the International Jugglers' Association hosts the annual Joggling World Championships, where runners are required to toss three items as they run.
For the sake of their fellow racers, we hope none of them juggles chainsaws.
Monday, November 8, 2010
MVP Monday - Danielle Abigador

my answers are in purple cuz that's the prettiest color in the world. (sorry danielle, i don't know how to format color on this stupid thing!)
so, how does it feel to win, but not really win, MVP for the week?
it actually feels great! some might think this is a backhanded way to give an honorable mention. but i say NAY, NO, HELLZ NA. i've always wanted to be interviewed for a blog and i can't think of a better way to get my first interview! my shuffle run was smart and effective.
what does safety mean to you?
safety means happiness. if you don't fall and bust your face, you're happy. if you don't get punched in the groin, you're happy...catch my drift?
how come you're so good at kickball?
i think it's because i was so bad at running and gym class in high school...i was clearly saving all of my energy for my future kickball team.
if you were kickball court, and i was the rain, what would you say to me?
i would quote mah girl missy..."it's my window, i can't stand the rain!"
i actually LOVE the rain but playing kball in the rain clearly makes me nervous hence my shuffle run.
some people have been making fun of me, danielle. will you beat them up for me?
obvi...my 8th grade nickname wasn't buff girl for no reason...yo!
if you were really, really, hungry, and really, really drunk, how many tacos do you think you could eat in one sitting?
probably 3 or half of one...if i'm too wasted i might just vom. that's graphic but whatevz.
what is your favorite taco?
beef guaco loco with no lettuce or tomatoes from San Loco
if you had to bathe in taco ingredients, which one would you least enjoy bathing in?
hmm, great question! i don't think i would enjoy swimming in taco shells...i feel like it would give me cuts.
will you make me lunch sometime next week? if so, awesome - what would be in it. if not, wtf?
i don't think i'll make you lunch next week because i'm really trying to work on making lunch for myself. BUT if i did, i would make you a classic pb&j sandwich. i have some great chunky pb and nice jelly. ya dig?
you and the captain (finish this sentence)....
love david.
and now, check this out - danielle's two favorite things!

ps - this is our 250th post!
dayglo baby
Mandy + Jason = 52.4 miles of perfection
Friday, November 5, 2010
mem o reeee

Glitterfy.com - cat Glitter Graphics
favorite memory from this morning

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Social Tees shout out
Check it out: http://socialtees.com/reptiles.html
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
a late poeku is better than no poeku
that means more money and less blogging time, don't have a cow!
i'll be back in the swing of things soon
i just need to learn some more shit and make my boss swoon
i can't wait to play kball tomorrow
bye bye aces, what sweet sorrow
look out nevada smiths, WOLWSB is coming to you!
don't be scared of our moves, we're wild on the dance floor - thats true!
we'll flip cups and win all night long
we're so awesome sometimes i think we're wrong
we're not wrong, and it doesn't matter if we lose
because in the end, we ALWAYS booze!
i'm tired but i just love blogging and had to get some of my poetic thoughts out into the blogosphere.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
really? scantrons?
I start class again and it's way to early
I wish I could just quit and never go back
But for that my 'rents would give me major flack
School is boring and lame and just plain sucks
I could almost put up with it but
I have class on Thursday nights this time
And this dumb class doesn't get out until 9
so from the hours of 6 to 9 pm
I will be fidgeting and wait till when
I can leap out of my seat and onto the F train
And start to party and not use my brain
All these PSAs tell me not to drop out
But I don't understand what grad school's about
I already earned a degree shouldn't that be plenty
I shouldn't have to buy a scantron at the age of 20 (+5)
I wish I could just play kickball and do nothing more
I don't think that would ever be a bore
No more essays. No more test.
No more professors in knitted holiday vests.
Just foul balls and flip cup and just letting loose!
And living my days with win or lose we still booze.
Last night I had the strangest dream
And this was the theme song
It was all about writing poetry
For our much loved blog
I dreamed I couldn't type my thoughts
They came way too fast
Everyone else was blogging away
And all I could do was sing
And all you ballers didn't know
Simon and Garfunkle
And now I know this is a lie
Because I can blog again
haikuzers for some boozers
Early poeku gets the worm
Worms are gross to eat
Why do birds eat worms?
Small menu in bird landville
Flying must rule, though
Well, who else can fly?
People with capes can fly too!
And kick balls so good!
What if we win it?
Bar champs and field champs, I mean
History books, yeah!
We undefeated
Wee rhymes with fee, so eat it
13th Step sliders!
Cue: I love burgers
I also like good tacos
I eat pizza too
Might grab a bagel
Bagel gives me energy
(to) Run around bases
Thursday, where art thou?
Oh, there you are, in two days
See you later, bro!
Monday, November 1, 2010
California Boozin' by the Mamas and the Poppa Nicks
And our sweatshirts black,
Capes may vary,
But our stylin' never lacks.
Last week I was gone,
Chilling out in Santa Cruz,
So sad I missed Halloween,
And Poppa Nick's Booze.
Thursdays are for kickball,
But I was at the beach,
Making fires by the shore,
And yelling out "Big Meech,
Larry Hoover" who are you?
I like our Larry more,
His name is Page,
Kickball badass to the core.
Undefeated we still are,
Making other teams fear,
The have no choice but to forfeit,
Go to the bar, and drink beer.
In first class I was a King,
Even though Rachel had my hair,
Sat next to Drake on the plane,
And he snored like a bear!
My friend's fiancée plays kickball,
With those crazies called WAKA,
We tried to organize flip-cup,
But everyone else was wack-ah!
Really bummed I missed the party,
Poppa Nick sure has fun,
I hope the tequila flowed
Cause I sure as hell had a ton.
Jason tried to call me,
But noises there were a lot,
All I heard was blah, blah, blah,
And all I said was shot, shot, shot.
Seeing all the pictures online,
Brought a tear to my eye,
My favorite part of all,
Was when Evan knocked the shoe tower from the sky.
Did I mention we're undefeated,
Even WRTL has a loss,
Since we have a better record,
We should be the BOSS!
I only missed one week,
But I'm already in withdrawal,
Can't wait for Thursday,
Cause I love all my kickballas.
From Captain Kristy, to the Wall,
Divison, and Hardcore Rick,
Token Black Man Uncle Larry
Pac-man Kenny and Poppa Nick,
Danielle, Faye, and Brittany,
Lianne, Chevan, Nanny, Zack
Mrs. Rachel David Machado
And we really want Molly back!
Let us not forget King Steph,
Yes I even love myself,
But only cause we rule,
winning more than Michael Phelps.
I know it's only Monday,
But this poem I had to write,
And now that it's done,
I bid you all goodnight!
MVP Monday
So you work for the league fulltime. Any insider secrets you can divulge?
Geez, just digging right in…No buttering up, huh? Well, Brett is currently drinking water out of a Jameson bottle. Matt has an authentic Peruvian wool mask watching to make sure we’re always working. We’re known to throw bouncy balls at each other, though they must bounce of a wall first (obviously). And if you’re looking to bribe the office staff, our current list of office needs are 1) iPads, 2) Honda Motor-Butts, 3) a Crepe Chef + cookery, and 4) Hypoallergenic Perma-Kittens.
You’re MVP of the third place team in Thursday kickball and you’re not even on the team! That’s quite the accomplishment! How do you feel?
Honored and humbled. In fact, I’d like to thank my terrific modesty for getting me where I am today. But seriously, it was fun barging into your game and thanks to Faye for picking me first for the scrimmage-winning team.
WOLWSB is well on their way to possibly winning an actual medal. We already won bar champs last season. What would you rather win? First place or bar champ?
I am clearly an uber-testosterony alpha male who puts winning above all else. However, people have told me that the friendships earned while becoming Bar Champs will be around well after my body is no longer a prime example of pure athleticism.
If you could wear any NYCSSC tee shirt color for the rest of your life, what color would you choose?
I’m quite the fan of sapphire and purple. Clearly indicating my vain desire to be royalty. The new cedar and (of course) texas orange are growing on me though, perhaps harkening back to my rural upbringing.
I know you have a lot of power. Can we get rid of the name heliconia and call it what it is? Princess pink?
You’ve gotta be careful spending your favors in that way. I mean, do you really want to gain the name princess pink, just to be stuck with sapphire* shirts for the rest of your career.
*Note: the term sapphire has been used for dramatic impact and should be assumed to take the place of any horrible colors including &#*, !@^%, @$#@&, or ^*!$%
You know Microsoft word does not even recognize the word heliconia?
As a proud Mac user, I have given up acknowledging Microsoft as my intellectual standard. Although, I am writing this answer in Word and there is a red squiggly under heliconia.
WOLWSB is having a tough time deciding what sport to partake in during the cold winter months. Any suggestions? And why?
I frequent the Ultimate Frisbee field, but Inner Tube Water Polo has become one of my favorite sports. If the cold or swimming suits aren’t your thang, Bowling @ Brooklyn Bowl is an amazing experience, though big group debauchery is most likely to occur after Dodgeball & Volleyball. Don’t know if that helps or not, but I’ve been trying to decide the same thing!
What do you prefer? Boss Tweeds or Aces (RIP)?
I prefer a bar that is willing and able to treat us as the VIP party crowd that we are. One where the beer and 80’s dance music flow freely and where the cups are always placed half off the edges of the tables.
Halloween is right around the corner! What has been your best Halloween costume?
Once I dressed as a grey-haired old man. A grey-haired old woman with a walker and a colostomy bag hit on me. It was H-O-T-T.
Team Edward or team Jacob?
Happy to be part of the team that doesn’t know anything about either, but I used to have a cat named Ed. And I have a cousin named Jake. Ah, the pressure to decide is killing me!
What sport would you rather see NYCSSC do next? Roller derby or competitive karaoke?
I heart roller-skating.
Curling or laser tag?
In this time of economic and political crisis, we need to stop throwing stones and start setting down our guns. I, therefore, vote for a hugging league.