my answers are in purple cuz that's the prettiest color in the world. (sorry danielle, i don't know how to format color on this stupid thing!)
so, how does it feel to win, but not really win, MVP for the week?
it actually feels great! some might think this is a backhanded way to give an honorable mention. but i say NAY, NO, HELLZ NA. i've always wanted to be interviewed for a blog and i can't think of a better way to get my first interview! my shuffle run was smart and effective.
what does safety mean to you?
safety means happiness. if you don't fall and bust your face, you're happy. if you don't get punched in the groin, you're happy...catch my drift?
how come you're so good at kickball?
i think it's because i was so bad at running and gym class in high school...i was clearly saving all of my energy for my future kickball team.
if you were kickball court, and i was the rain, what would you say to me?
i would quote mah girl missy..."it's my window, i can't stand the rain!"
i actually LOVE the rain but playing kball in the rain clearly makes me nervous hence my shuffle run.
some people have been making fun of me, danielle. will you beat them up for me?
obvi...my 8th grade nickname wasn't buff girl for no reason...yo!
if you were really, really, hungry, and really, really drunk, how many tacos do you think you could eat in one sitting?
probably 3 or half of one...if i'm too wasted i might just vom. that's graphic but whatevz.
what is your favorite taco?
beef guaco loco with no lettuce or tomatoes from San Loco
if you had to bathe in taco ingredients, which one would you least enjoy bathing in?
hmm, great question! i don't think i would enjoy swimming in taco shells...i feel like it would give me cuts.
will you make me lunch sometime next week? if so, awesome - what would be in it. if not, wtf?
i don't think i'll make you lunch next week because i'm really trying to work on making lunch for myself. BUT if i did, i would make you a classic pb&j sandwich. i have some great chunky pb and nice jelly. ya dig?
you and the captain (finish this sentence)....
love david.
and now, check this out - danielle's two favorite things!

ps - this is our 250th post!
What the F is the Pizza Taco and why have we not made one yet?
ReplyDeletebecause it might cause convulsive vomiting