Let me begin by saying Happy Birthday.
Thanks! I appreciate all the love from you guys...best birthday since I moved up here 3 years ago.
This is your first season playing with WOLWSB. We are weirdos if I do say so myself. How have you liked being on the team?
Loved it. I don't think I could've had an undefeated rookie season with a storybook ending with any other team.
What gets on your nerves more, pigeons or Hangover Friday?
PIGEONS - http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Do you prefer boxing or kickball? Why?
Kickball...my boxing gym doesn't serve alcohol.
Do you prefer boxes or bags? Why?
Boxes. Excess grocery bags laying around is the most annoying thing ever.
Paper or plastic? Why?
Paper, for the same reason as above.
If you could have anything for your birthday, what would it be?
The ability to do Larry's legendary running man. When "Poison" starts playing, you'll see why.
If someone offered to take you to the fanciest steakhouse NYC has to offer (Outback Steakhouse...obviously) for a birthday treat or to have Aces and Eights open up again…what would you pick?
Gotta go with my red meat. As long as WOLWSB is in the house, I don't need Aces and Eights.
I did a little facebook stalking (creeeepy) to see how old you are today, and low and behold it does not say so I am going to make the executive decision that you’re 26. I’ll just go ahead and play off that.
Haha, that's a good guess ;-)
Ok so what do 20 flip cup games + 6 beer pong games =
Enough to still make it to work on Friday
What do 20 pitchers + 7 weeks of hangovers – 1 undefeated season =
My season if I didn't join WOLWSB. 6-0 baby
What do 10 beer bongs + 20 flip cup games – 4 pieces of pizza =
Longer lasting beer goggles
What do 10 home runs + 10 beer pong games + 6 pieces of pizza – 2 down the toilet =
Me passed out on my bathroom floor (true story)
What do 13 fruit punch 4 lokos + 10 watermelon 4 lokos + 3 lemonade 4 lokos – all of your sanity =
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