So you’re the MVP of an undefeated kickball team. You must be really good. What would you say your strongest kickball skill is?
Well, my most common field position is pitcher. It's where I feel I can contribute the most, and I've learned that if I beg enough times, that's where I'll get placed. People expect me to pitch really fast based on my looks, so when it's a slow ball, they're always thrown off. Probably why WOLWSTB is in the playoffs this season.
I've also tried my hand in reffing this season... needless to say, I'll leave that position to the pros.
Well, my most common field position is pitcher. It's where I feel I can contribute the most, and I've learned that if I beg enough times, that's where I'll get placed. People expect me to pitch really fast based on my looks, so when it's a slow ball, they're always thrown off. Probably why WOLWSTB is in the playoffs this season.
I've also tried my hand in reffing this season... needless to say, I'll leave that position to the pros.
I you could kick balls in any shirt color, what color would you pick?
Is this even a question? Heliconia...
Speaking of clothing you have quite an eye for fashion. If you could raid anyone on our team’s closet, who’s would it be and why?
Evan's. If you've seen Evan's wardrobe, this does not require an explanation.
You were the Morton Salt girl for Halloween (it was so cute). Salt really does add a little extra...I don’t know what to food. What is your favorite spice?
I've actually recently joined the mayor's campaign against salt - it should only be used on the roads, or tequila shots with Papa Nick.
My favorite spice is cinnamon. I'm sensitive.
What about your favorite condiment?
SALSAAAA! I finish a jar in one sitting.
You are quite the poet. You especially have a knack for alliteration and playing on words. In the next segment of this interview I will give you an acronym that you must complete (ex: LGW would be Lianne goes where?) Got it? Good!
SHPD: Should have played drunk
NRFW: Never Run for Wackballs
KPBM: Kentucky: Panic BEFORE Manic ... OR... Kickball Players Bust Moves
DCGT: Drink, Cups get thrown
In the next segment of this interview I will begin a sentence, and you must finish it.
I was riding a unicorn and then… it tripped on a cloud and injured me with its horn. That's how I got a belly button.
I prefer flip cup when… the cups aren't glued to the table.
Sometimes, when I put my kickball shirt on I think… Jason's right. I DO look good in Texas Orange!
I really don’t like post its. They… cause people to kick me.
When I’m on Court B with my team I feel… that the stars have aligned.
Living with Danielle is… a lot like living with a lizard.
I am going to learn to speak Spanish because… I want to have secret conversations with Rick. And I once got stuck at a McDonalds in Barcelona for 4 hours. True story.
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