what time is it?
2:09 pm
when is snack time?
When we are the bar all you can drink snacks
when is pizza time?
2-3 hours after we have started drinking
here's an idea i want to ponder with you -- cutting a pie of pizza into 24 slices, eating one slice every hour, on the hour, and calling it "the all-day pizza". it would be for all-stars only, like yourself. thoughts?
I think that a pie stands no chance in a 24 hours with this body
if WOLWSB were turned into a meal - what would it be like? please describe.
I think we would be stake and potatoes a real American classic just like wolwsb
you bought us some pizza last week at the bar - that was pretty fucking clutch if i do have to say so myself. why don't they call you zack "clutch" shopsin? do you have any other nicknames we should know about?
In the bar I'm more then happy to be called Zack the clutch Shopsin
But when I'm on the mound I'm Zrod don't mess with me or I will beat up your dad
if you weren't a chef, what would you be?
if I wasn't a chef I think I would be a farmer plowing the fields living of the land
have you ever considered joining the professional kickball association?
Yea I once tried to join PKA but they do heavy drug testing and I do heavy drugs so it didn't work out
MVP - the way to be. would you like to give a shout out, or dedicate your MVPdom to anybody? parents? pizza dude? kristy? me?
I wanna thank all of my teammates for welcoming me in to Wolwsb I think we can go all the way
sent from my iBorg
So clutch.